A trouble shared is a trouble halved

Challenged to write a Sonnet, and having already tackled the Spenserian form, I decided to have a go at a Petrarchan version. This format has two quatrains, each line with 11 syllables, following the ABBA ABBA rhyme scheme. The final sestet can be either CDCDCD or CDE CDE, but the lines are also each of 11 syllables.

Photo Credit: Brent Ninaber on Unsplash

To experience what it is that you feel

I want to walk a mile and more in your shoes

And there perhaps will discover hidden clues

To where the pain lies and how to help you heal.

There are things with which I know you have to deal

I have to guess, if to tell me you refuse

I see only what you let me, what you choose

A life of onion layers I want to peel

I see you in your sadness, your mood turns blue

The weariness that seeps deep into the bone

So open up your heart and let me help you

It canโ€™t hurt more than it does to be alone

I am always here when other friends are few

With me be safe, your inner demons make known.

Author: Deryn

Born and bred in Manchester UK with a degree in French from the University of Exeter, I found myself in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1995 via Spain, France and Greece. And London. I have worked in the hospitality industry in marketing, as a radio and tv producer, in PR and communications for South Africa's buy local advocacy campaign and since June 2022 have been running my own content creation and PR company, Use Lorem Ipsum. I have always been a reader and writer of stories and am relieved finally to have achieved the publication of this blog. Now for that novel. I am the mother of 2 sons, middle of 3 sisters, owner of a dog and the ex wife and ex girlfriend of a number of men who clearly didn't deserve me. I am an eternal optimist for myself, my country and the planet, so don't let me down, world.

3 thoughts on “A trouble shared is a trouble halved”

  1. I love it ๐Ÿ˜. I also had no idea that the structure was so complex – hats off to you xx

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